BlackSilverPearl. 2017 A melting pot of female publication talent.

blacksilverpearl publication services

BlackSilverPearl is a melting pot of female publication talent with varying industry sector experiences.
Diaspora social mobility publisher.

blacksilverpearl publication services


As a client author or creator your work is important to you and you want to make the best possible choice in deciding which publication consultant(s) to work with and part with your hard earned cash. This FREE guide will give to you a foundation upon which can help you to move forward and make a decision in getting your work working for you.

There are a myriad of independent people and small businesses working within the publication industry and the coaching sector internationally. Their experiences vary widely through industry sectors and cultural awareness, diversity and inclusivity. Publication consultants and small businesses vary as widely as the hues within a rainbow. It is the initial connection where the author or creator has a gravitation, well-being or propensity towards a publication consultant that determines whether or not they feel confident with the work being in the hands of someone unknown to them, or recommended to them. Often the work is delivered, assessed and edited online where there is no physical introduction between the parties concerned.

The following is an overview of the services provided by publication consultants with which to aid authors and creators of written and artistic publication work.


Some individuals and small businesses specialise within only one aspect of publication. Whilst others utilise their multi-skills to be attractive to more clients and also retain their clients. For example, editors edit at different speeds. Some editors and publication staff speed read and work on a quick client turnover. Others take a more in depth approach getting the sentiment and look exact for the client. Some publication consultants charge by the word. Some charge by the hour. Some charge by the page.

Some publication consultants are unable to edit work submitted to them if they do not have the entire body of work. Or at least a draft/template of the work, including a summary of what the work is about, informing the consultant who the work is for and where it will be seen.

Here are some of the services that can be offered within a publication service provision by consultants.


Consultant Assessing Editors offer publication assessments. This means that a Consultant Assessing Editor makes an assessment of the work presented to her/him and makes a read-through of the work. Sometimes known as a cold read. The work of a Consultant Assessing Editor is an important one as s/he makes an assessment of the body of work which encompasses a written account of what is working and what is not within the body of work presented. The whole idea of the assessment is to aid the author in understanding how to revise their work and where to cut unnecessary parts of the work. The assessment must also aid and support the author/creator so that they can see what they are doing well at, acknowledging where they excel at within the work presented.

Some authors/creators like a complete service from start to finish with one Consultant Editor. Where the author/creator is happy to hand over their created work from the following stages, Assessment (including a principle editorial development outline), Copyediting, Proofreading. The primary issue here with a complete handover of work is the cost involved. This type of handover is expensive. The first stage of a working relationship with a Consultant Editor and a client is a coming together through a publication assessment. This will allow the author/creator the benefit of knowing whether s/he has a meeting of the minds with the Consultant Assessing Editor which is based upon provided feedback and suggestions.

Developmental / Substantive Editing

This can be coupled with Assessing and encompasses:
+ Principle structural issues (reorganizing, cutting, expanding).
+ Principle plot flow.
+ Principle sequencing.
+ Pacing.
+ Point of view.
+ Principle character development, dialogue and scenes.
+ Narrative and character arcs. Meaning a progression of events suggesting a narrative cohesion, especially where that narrative rises to a climax and settles to a final conclusion.
+ Simple to understand transitions.
+ Additional elements where the work created is workable as it is without any development editing.

Line Editing / Copyediting

This encompasses:
+ Principle grammar.
+ Punctuation.
+ Spelling.
+ Syntax. Meaning a systematic, orderly arrangement of creating logical and meaningful sentences.
+ Minor language repetition.


This encompasses:
+ Assessing punctuation and grammatical errors that are remaining, or had been introduced, after the copyedit is complete.
+ Assessment of the formatting differences, errors and inconsistencies that may or may not be valid for the section where it is being used.
+ Spelling.

blacksilverpearl publication services

Publication Consultant Costs

Publication Consultants have rates that vary depending upon what they work on and the time taken to provide the work. The more quickly, or bespoke the work, that is requested to be undertaken, the higher the cost. This can be a premium of at least three to four times of the basic cost.

Publication Consultants can charge from £27/hour to over £600/hour. Or £10/page to £80/page.

Some Publication Consultants charge extra for any work outside of the main medium, meaning an assessment and amending of a graphic will have an additional cost to the publication text. Or adding of information tables, pie charts, etc., in addition to the text of the publication will incur further charges. At times, the Publication Consultant will use the assistance of a trusted graphic designer or spreadsheet designer to aid the publication or design being worked upon.

BlackSilverPearl offers YOU a service in:

+ TRANSLATION (from/to British English)

Subscribe to BlackSilverPearl to receive help from a selection of services and see the price list.

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